Internal Medicine is addressed through acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary and lifestyle changes. May also include Hypnotherapy and other energy modalities if there is an emotional component to the dis-ease. Stress is a factor in many illnesses and not just to one getting older.
- Allergies/Asthma
- Bladder/Kidney Problems
- Colds/Flu
- Long Covid
- Dizziness
- Bronchitis
- Heart Palpitations
- Menopause
- Infertility
- Sinusitis/Rhinitis
- Vision Problems
- Skin Issues/Rashes
- Acne
- Immune System Disfunction/Deficiencies
- Constipation/Diarrhea
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Food Sensitivities
- Colitis
- Gastro Intestinal Disorders
- Sleep Issues
- Hair Loss
“Toni is amazing…I can finally breathe and no flare ups with seasonal allergies.”
Shelly, 34, Nanny
“Menstrual cycle back to normal since seeing Toni, what a relief. Before seeing Toni I had painful and irregular cycles for over a year.”
Tracy, Teacher
“I highly recommend Toni. I was told the only way I was going to get pregnant was IVF and then the chances were very slim. I chose to see Toni and I’m glad I did. You totally changed my hormones and mental state by your presence and best of all I became pregnant and had a healthy baby.”
Meredith, 30, Photographer
“I praise God every day for placing our angel Toni in our lives. I was diagnosed with PCOS and stage 3 Endometriosis and had multiple surgeries and 6 unsuccessful IUI’s, 6 years of trying. Then I found Toni and I finally became pregnant and had a healthy baby boy and a year later a healthy baby girl. We can’t thank you enough for our perfect miracles.”
Kristi and Dave