Acupuncture – (initial visit) $140 (return visit) $95 (return visits-package of 6) $525 (use within 6 months) Your initial visit will include a thorough medical intake and a full treatment session. Chinese Herbal Medicine and dietary suggestions will be prescribed as needed. Please allow 1 1/2 hours for initial visit.
Return visit treatments include assessing progress since the last session and treatment and may include a prescription of Chinese Herbal Medicine and dietary suggestions. Please allow up to 1 hour.
Cupping Treatment – (30 minutes) $55
This treatment utilizes suction on the skin to detoxify and clear areas of congested blood from injury, increase range of motion in the joints and is also used to clear pathogens from the body as in a cold, acute and chronic cough, and in the beginning stages of a viral condition. Cup marks can naturally occur post-treatment and are considered a good sign and resolve within a week.
Ear Acupuncture (Auriculotherapy) – (30 minutes) $55
A quick way to rest and rejuvenate your mind & body. The patient is clothed during the treatment and the ear is treated. This is a terrific treatment for stress, weight loss, stop smoking, and many more conditions. This is an efficient lunchtime reset session for the busy individual. This session is available only to established patients.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatment – (package of 6) $1100, post series follow up individual treatment $250
Cosmetic acupuncture is used to reduce under-eye circles and crow’s feet, lifts jowls, eyes, and frown lines, reduce the appearance of rosacea, acne and dermatological conditions, and much more. Treatments are done in series of 10-12 weekly or biweekly sessions and include a thorough medical intake at the initial visit with treatments given at each session to address your condition. Chinese Herbal Medicine and dietary suggestions will be prescribed as needed. Please allow 90 minutes.
Microneedling Facial Rejuvenation Treatment — Initial Visit Series – (4 sessions) $800
This cosmetic treatment stimulates collagen production, softens scars, treats acne, smooths wrinkles and fine lines. In order to gain optimal results, this treatment is done in series of four 45 minute sessions (one session a month for 4 months).
Microneedling Facial Rejuvenation Treatment — Post-Series – (45 minutes) $275
This session is a follow-up to the initial series of cosmetic treatments. This treatment acts as a booster to continue to stimulate collagen production, soften scars, treats acne, smooth wrinkles, and fine lines.
Cupping + Gua Sha Facial Rejuvenation Treatment – (30 minutes) $75
This 30-minute relaxing facial massage starts with an application of high-quality botanical oil with gentle cupping to stimulate circulation and nourish the skin. Cupping therapy is followed with a Gua Sha treatment which further boosts anti-aging, corrects skin conditions, and aids in relaxation.
Biolight Infrared Treatment – (30 minutes) $45
In this treatment, we utilize the healing properties of Near Infrared technology to improve circulation, stimulate detoxification and revitalize the body. Red, blue, or yellow LED light therapy is beneficial in reducing wrinkles, boosting collagen and fibrin, stimulating function of the immune system, clearing acne and other skin conditions, and much more.
Hypnotherapy Session – (60 minutes) $150
Hypnotherapy helps the client to utilize the subconscious mind to address fears, addictions, optimize better health and wellbeing, athletic and academic performance, pain control and let go of stuck patterns in their life to achieve greater happiness and wholeness. Each session leaves you with a recording of your session to solidify the healing received in the session.
Massage Therapy
Therapeutic Massage – (30 minutes) $45 (60 minutes) $80 (75 minutes) $95 (90 minutes) $110
Full Body massage – Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuro-Muscular, Trigger Point, Sports, Shiatsu, Tuina or Crainal Sacral Therapy. Massages are tailored to your specific need to include pressure wanted or desired.
ADD ON Services
Rain Drop Essential Oil – $30
Specific Essential Oils to treat scoliosis and to detox the spine.
Kinesio taping – $25 per area
Kinesio tape can help to reduce pain, decrease swelling and improve muscle performance and function.